
The Royal Guardians of Speed and Grace: Meet the Exquisite Saluki

The Saluki, also known as the Persian Greyhound or Royal Dog of Egypt, is a breed with a long and illustrious history. Known for their grace, elegance, and incredible speed, Salukis have been treasured companions and hunters for thousands of years.
Saluki dogs have a rich history as skilled hunters, and their natural abilities and traits make them well-suited for certain uses. When it comes to trainability, Salukis have a unique temperament that can present some challenges.

History of the Breed
The Saluki's origins can be traced back to ancient times, as they are one of the oldest known dog breeds. The breed's exact origin is uncertain, but they are believed to have originated in the Middle East, particularly in the region of Mesopotamia (modern-day Iran and Iraq) and Egypt.
Salukis were highly esteemed by various ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Persians. They were often depicted in ancient art, burial tombs, and historical texts, signifying their esteemed status and close association with royalty and nobility.

Throughout history, Salukis were primarily used for hunting. Their exceptional speed, agility, and keen eyesight made them exceptional coursing hounds capable of chasing down and capturing swift game such as gazelles, hares, and foxes.
Salukis eventually made their way to Europe, where they gained popularity as exotic and luxurious dogs among aristocrats and nobles. Today, Salukis are still highly regarded for their beauty, grace, and hunting abilities, whether as show dogs, companions, or competitive coursing athletes.

General Structure & Appearance
The Saluki's general structure exudes elegance, athleticism, and grace. Their long, lean bodies, slender heads, and flowing coats give them a regal and aristocratic appearance. Their overall structure reflects their ability to cover long distances with remarkable speed and endurance.
The Saluki has a distinctive general structure that reflects its heritage as a swift and agile hunter

Size: Salukis are a medium-sized breed. Males typically stand between 58 to 71 cm at the shoulder, while females are slightly smaller, ranging from 53 to 66 cm. They have a slender and athletic build.
Saluki dogs have an average weight range18 - 32 kilograms. Male Salukis tend to be larger and heavier than females, but individual variations exist within the breed. It's important to note that maintaining a healthy weight for your Saluki is crucial for their overall well-being and longevity.

Body: The Saluki has a graceful and balanced body. Their chests are deep and narrow, allowing for efficient lung capacity. The back is moderately long, flowing smoothly into a slightly arched loin. Salukis possess well-developed, powerful hindquarters, enabling them to propel themselves at great speeds.

Head: The Saluki's head is long and narrow, with a gently tapering muzzle. Their eyes are large, expressive, and dark in color. They have a dignified, alert expression. The ears are long and pendant, framing the face and giving them an elegant appearance.

Coat: Salukis have two coat varieties: smooth and feathered. The smooth-coated variety has short, glossy hair that lies close to the body, providing minimal protection. The feathered variety has longer hair on the ears, backs of the legs, and tail. Both coat types are silky and soft to the touch. Salukis come in various colors, including white, cream, fawn, golden, red, grizzle, and black.

Tail: Salukis have a long and slender tail that is carried low with a slight upward curve at the end. The tail is feathered, matching the coat type, and adds to their overall elegance and balance.

Gait: The Saluki's gait is smooth, effortless, and characterized by long, floating strides. They have an efficient, ground-covering trot that showcases their endurance and agility.


  • Hunting: Salukis are exceptional hunting dogs with a strong prey drive and incredible speed. They were traditionally used for coursing, which involves chasing and capturing game animals such as gazelles and hares. Salukis have a keen sense of sight and are capable of covering vast distances in pursuit of their quarry. Although less commonly used for hunting today, Salukis still retain their hunting instincts and can excel in lure coursing and other canine sports that allow them to showcase their natural abilities.

  • Companionship: Salukis make loyal and affectionate companions. They form strong bonds with their families and thrive on human companionship. While they have a reputation for being somewhat reserved with strangers, they are typically gentle and loving with their family members. Salukis appreciate a calm and harmonious household and enjoy being part of a close-knit pack.

  • Competitive Sports: Salukis can participate in various competitive dog sports. Lure coursing, agility, obedience, and rally are among the activities where they can showcase their athleticism and skills. Their speed, agility, and graceful movements make them intriguing competitors in these events.

Salukis possess a unique temperament that can impact their trainability. While they are intelligent dogs, their independent nature and strong hunting instincts can present challenges during training. Here are some important factors to consider when training a Saluki:

  • Early Socialization: Start socializing your Saluki puppy from a young age. Expose them to different people, animals, environments, sights, and sounds. This helps them develop confidence, learn appropriate behaviors, and reduce the likelihood of fear or aggression toward new situations.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Salukis respond well to positive reinforcement techniques. Use rewards such as treats, praise, and playtime to motivate and reinforce desired behaviors. Harsh training methods or punishment can be counterproductive and damage the sensitive relationship you want to build with your Saluki.

  • Consistency and Patience: Salukis may not be as eager to please as some other breeds, and they may take longer to grasp certain commands. Consistency and patience are key when training a Saluki. Keep training sessions short, engaging, and positive. Break tasks down into small, manageable steps, and gradually build upon them as your Saluki gains confidence and understanding.

  • Prey Drive Management: Salukis have a strong prey drive, which means they may be easily distracted by fast-moving objects or small animals. It's essential to provide them with a safe and controlled environment, particularly when off-leash. A secure fenced area or leash will prevent them from pursuing potential prey. Engaging them in activities like lure coursing or other sports that allow them to channel their prey drive in a controlled manner can be beneficial.

  • Recall Training: Due to their independent nature and keen hunting instincts, recall training can be a challenge for Salukis. It's crucial to work on recalling commands in low-distraction environments and gradually progresses to more challenging situations. Using high-value rewards and making the recall experience positive and rewarding can help improve their responsiveness.

  • Mental Stimulation: Salukis are intelligent dogs that benefit from mental stimulation. Engage them in puzzle toys, interactive games, and training exercises that challenge their minds. Mental stimulation can help prevent boredom and channel their energy into constructive activities.

  • Professional Guidance: If you are new to training or if you encounter specific challenges, consider seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer who has experience with sighthounds or independent breeds like the Saluki. They can provide valuable insights, tailored training strategies, and support in your training journey.

It's important to note that individual Salukis may vary in their trainability and temperament. Some may be more responsive and eager to please, while others may exhibit a more independent streak. Understanding and working with your Saluki's unique personality and needs will help you establish a strong and successful training partnership.

Overall, with patience, consistency, positive reinforcement, and an understanding of their unique traits, Salukis can be trained to be well-behaved and delightful companions.